Hi Nour. I think travel and the allowing of visas is far too restrictive today. They should make it easier for people to travel wherever they want. The only restriction should be if you have proven criminal, drug, or terrorist related activity. It should not be based on what country you come from.
You do make very good points though … we can travel anywhere in the world through our writing. I also agree with your views about writing online and in particular Medium. I get sick of reading how much people have made in the last month or how much their earnings fell because of the algorithm or whatever. If that is the whole point of your writing and it is based on how much you make or don’t make, well you aren’t writing for the right reasons (in my opinion.)
I have no doubt you will be a successful world-wide writer online and your work will be read by millions. You seem to have the drive and determination, and smarts to do it.
You don’t need to own a New York skyscraper. But I hear a rumour there could be one for sale soon … called ‘Trump Tower.’ So, maybe.
If you ever do get to Australia, I will invite you to my home for a coffee, or if you prefer a beer at the local pub.