Nour, I couldn’t agree more with this article. Many broke people do have a “broke” mindset which is often ingrained in them and may have been passed down from their parents … in which case it is very difficult to break or change.
One of my sons tried to convince me to invest in cryptocurrency but I resisted all his coaxing, telling him that I didn’t see it as a safe or viable long term investment. I even love cash in my pocket, and prefer to use it whenever possible in preference to even a card..(except on very large purchases.) He did succeed in talking my youngest son into investing however..and unfortunately both have lost a considerable amount.
I am not rich by any means, but live comfortably enough. I do have a small amount owing on a mortgage, but have two cars and a mobile home which I can afford to keep on the road. I have struggled in the past, and am only in a situation to afford what I have due to my freelance writing.
I can still do better and I know that, and your article confirms that we should never feel too comfortable with where we are, because then we can become complacent and stagnant.